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English translation for "in times like these"


Related Translations:
these shoots:  芦笋的嫩茎
these words:  千言万语
these cats:  这些猫
these flowers:  含羞草花
these institutions:  这些习俗
with these words:  讲完这几句话…说完这番话说着这些话他站了起来
clean these windows:  把些窗户清洗干净
these open arms:  张开双臂
bonjovi these days:  邦乔维 这些日子
such as these:  此等
Example Sentences:
1.In times like these he didn't stand a chance of getting another job .
2.How do you redesign in times like these
3.In times like these we have to y - yield to his guidance
4.But in times like these , well ,
5.In times like these , the wizard world looks to its leaders for strength , dumbledore
6.Him being your great uncle , but who ' s to say what ' s decent in times like these
7.The bee is such a busy soul . it has no time for birth control , and that is why in times like these , there are so many sons of bees
8.In times like these , however , god always calls out one ? at least one person who remembers who god is and what god has promised
然而,每当这种时期,神总是能呼召一个人出来? ?至少是一个记得神是谁,记得神的应许的人。
9.If i could tell the world just one thing , it would be that we ' re all okay . and not to worry , ' cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these
10.Especially in times like these when people are trying to make god “ was ” , it is you and i , by our love , by the purity of our lives , by our compassion , who prove to the world that god “ is ”
Similar Words:
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